Agewell Studies – Donate Now

Agewell attempts to initiate more extensive and comprehensive studies on the Older Persons, so that emerging needs, problems and rights of the older persons could be identified, understood & analysed in a completely changed socio-economic scenario, drawing a road map for the empowerment of older persons. Agewell Foundation has conducted 18 research studies on various old age issues so far. Some of Agewell study reports have already been recognized by the United Nations as its background documents.


Research on issues concerning old age is an on-going activity at Agewell Foundation. Some of Agewell study reports have already been recognized by the United Nations as its background documents.

Latest Study Report

Study on Solo Aging, October 2024

To coincide with the International Day of Older Persons, 1st October 2024, Agewell Foundation has carried out a study on this burning issue. For “Study on Solo Aging with Special Focus on the Status of Older People living alone” survey was conducted among 10,000 older persons with support from Agewell volunteers spread across the country during September 2024. Read more…

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Status of Accessibility, Infrastructure and Participation of Old People in Public Life – May 2024

Agewell Foundation conducted a study on “STATUS OF ACCESSIBILITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN INDIA with Special Focus on PARTICIPATION OF OLDER PEOPLE IN PUBLIC LIFE AND DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES” during MAY 2024. Agewell volunteers spread across the country interacted with over 10000 elderly respondents spread across 390 districts of 28 states/UTs of India.

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Agewell Foundation conducted a study on “Status of Elderly Women in India” during March 2024. Agewell volunteers spread across the country interacted with over 10000 elderly women respondents for the study. The main objective of the research endeavor was to assess the current status of older women in India..

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Sleep Disorders: Emerging Health Issues in Old Age

Agewell Foundation conducted a study on “Sleep Disorders: Emerging Health Issues in Old Age” during May 2023. Agewell volunteers spread across the country interacted with over 5000 respondents. The main objective of the research endeavor was to assess the emerging challenges due to sleep disturbances and create awareness…
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Right To Health And Access To Health Services In Old Age With Special Focus On Social Inclusion Of Older People – March 2023

The main objective of the research initiative was to assess the status of the overall health condition of older persons in India, their right to health, access to the healthcare system & services, and challenges before them through an in-depth qualitative and comprehensive study…
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Impact of Rising Inflation on Older Persons in India (With a special focus on Impact on their Human Rights)

The national level study is concluded by Agewell Foundation during the month of July, 2022 and over 10000 elderly respondents from different socio-economic groups spread across 24 states/UTs of India were included as a sample size. The main objective of the study was to undertake a socio-economic situational study on the impact of rising inflation on the economic status, psychological issues and human rights of the older persons


Contribution of Older People in Sustainable Development with a special focus on Impact of Covid-19 on Older People, February 2022 By the year 2050, India would have 1/5th population in the age group of 60+. Management of such a large section of retired and older people, who will have time, experience, and even resources, but no opportunities, maybe a huge challenge before the government of India… Read more


Studies conducted by Agewell Foundation so far…

  • Study on Human Rights of Elderly in India: A Critical Reflection on Social Development
  • Human Rights Of Older Persons: A Reality Check
  • Gender Discrimination Among Older Women In Delhi
  • Study of Problems being faced by Older Persons
  • Assessment of Impact of Economic Slowdown on older persons
  • Study of Role of Older persons in Democratic Process
  • Study of Status of Older Persons in Minority Communities
  • Study of Bedridden & Older Patients of Delhi & NCR
  • Study on Status of Older Persons in Nuclear Families
  • Study on Isolation in Old Age
  • Study of Income & Expenditure Patterns of Older Persons
  • Wisdom of Old Age
  • Changing Mindset of Older Persons towards Legal Justice
  • Depression in old age
  • Human Rights of Older Persons in India
  • Status & Human Rights of Older Women in India
  • Impact Assessment of Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
  • Legal Provisions & Practices in India
  • Comprehensive Study on Status of Older Persons in Delhi & NCR
  • Sense of Security among Older Persons & their Human Rights (in collaboration with NHRC)
  • Perceptions about Older Persons
  • Financial Status of Older People in India
  • Changing Patterns of Income & Expenditure of Older People in India: An Assessment
  • Independence In Old Age With Special Focus On Long-Term & Palliative Care In India


Contribution of Older People in Sustainable Development with a special focus on Impact of Covid-19 on Older People, February 2022

Changing Needs of Old People In India - March 2021

Changing Needs of Old People In India – March 2021

Changing Needs of Old People In India - March 2021

Study on Access to Justice in India for Old People with special focus on Right to Work, March 2020

Right to Work
Study on Social Security and Social Protection Floors in India, March 2019

study cover social study


​Agewell ​ Research & Advocacy Centre ​ has carried out a nationwide survey to assess the autonomy / independence, and long term and palliative care in old age during the months of May-June ​ ​ 2018 ​ . Under the survey, it was attempted to identify factors responsible for poor healthcare and social status of older persons.

Changing Patterns of Income & Expenditure of Older People in India: An Assessment

Agewell Foundation concluded a study titled as Changing Patterns of Income & Expenditure of Older People in India: An Assessment” under its Research and Advocacy Centre (for Needs & Rights of Older Persons). For the survey a national representative sample of 10000 older persons spread across 20 states and UTs of India was formed and elderly respondents were interacted by Agewell volunteers spread across the country during March-April 2018. On the basis of data/feedback received from older persons of Delhi, a separate Delhi based study report was also prepared.


Financial Status of Older People in India

Agewell Foundation has carried out a nationwide survey to study the financial status of old people in India while assessing various aspects related to net-worth value, financial needs & rights of elderly, etc.
Under the study random​​ sample of 15000 older persons (60+) was interviewed across India.
​ The study was conducted during August-September 2016.

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Study on Human Rights of Elderly in India: A Critical Reflection on Social Development

Agewell Foundation has conducted a study on Human Rights of Elderly in India: A Critical Reflection on Social Development. It was attempted to study the social dynamics as is found existing in the families where there is an elderly person in order to highlight the patterns that emerge in relation to the contemporary issues and challenges faced by the elderly and factors that impinge upon the quality of life. The survey was conducted during the month of June, 2015…

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Gender inequality is prevalent in India for centuries, which is deep-rooted in almost all Indian communities. Health, education, economic and political inequalities between men and women in India is common. Gender discrimination deprives women from availing benefits of development even in old age and marginalizes them from the mainstream. Agewell Foundation concluded the study during January 2015.




CHANGING NEEDS & RIGHTS OF OLDER PEOPLE IN INDIA: A REVIEW, JULY 2017 Agewell Foundation has conducted a study on issues concerning old people of India, titled as “Changing Needs & Rights of Older People in India: A Review” during May-June 2017. Objectives of research was to study the current situation of needs and rights of older people in India; to assess the perceptions about changing needs and rights of older people in India; to review changing needs & rights of older people; and to assess the human rights protection status of older people in order to advocate for needs & rights of older persons of India.​


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Agewell Study on Human Rights of Older People in India: A Reality Check Agewell Foundation has conducted a study on Human Rights of Older Persons in India to study the status of human rights of older people in India and assess the perceptions about human rights of older people in India while identifying responsible factors for dismal status of elderly human rights protection in India.

Comprehensive study on status of older persons in DELHI-NCR  

Agewell Foundation has conducted a comprehensive study on various issues concerning old age to understand the present status of older persons In Delhi & NCR.  Agewell volunteers’ network spread across Delhi & NCR worked as interviewers for the survey. For the survey a representative sample of 15000 older persons were interacted during the month of September-October, 2012…

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Agewell study on legal provisions & practices in india with special focus on human rights of old people 

There are a very few provisions regarding older persons in our scores of laws and acts within the Indian legal system. So far as performance of our legal system is concerned, we cannot say it is satisfactory at all. From the older people’s point of view, it’s shocking to realise that there are approximately 26% of the court cases which are pending for more than five years where one of the party is an old person. There are many instances where we see that people spend their whole life pursuing their cases in various courts and die before getting the verdict…

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“Older Women in India” – A note by Agewell Foundation 

India’s elderly population has already crossed 100 million mark during 2011. As per analysis of census data and projections, elderly population sex ratio is in favor of female elderly. As per the census 2011, whereas for total Indian population sex ratio is in favor of male population in ratio 940:1000, for elderly at (60+) population it’s in favor of elderly women by 1022:1000.

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Impact Assessment of Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in India 

Agewell Research & Advocacy Centre has carried out a nationwide survey among 100 thousands older people of India to assess the impact of The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) 2002 in India. In view of lack of core policies for older people and fast increasing elderly population, study was also focused to suggest or recommend some specific points to policy makers, planners and decision makers so that Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing could be followed in future and a standard framework could be developed to ensure older persons friendly environment in the country. Under the survey, it was also attempted to identify responsible factors for poor implementation of policies/ programs/ schemes pertaining to older persons.

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Human Rights & Status of Older Women

Today old women have restricted social interaction, limited earning possibilities, several medical complications, emotional isolation (in large number of cases even from their own children), very limited knowledge or awareness of their legal rights and natural reluctance to seek justice.

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Agewell Study on Human Rights of Older Persons
Ironically, in India older generations are not aware of their human rights due to high prevalence of illiteracy and lack of awareness. On the other hand, due to comparatively high physical as well as psychological vulnerability their cries for help remain within four-walls, that’s why only a few cases of violation of human rights of elderly come out. Ever-increasing numbers of distress calls from older persons clearly indicate disturbing condition of Human Rights of Older Persons in India.

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Agewell Study on Changing Trends of Old Age
In today’s fast paced life, nothing is permanent but change. Change has become acceptable to population of all ages. Even older persons, who are known for famous adage – “Old Habits Die Hard” are talking about change, they are all set to change their old habits of adjusting or adapting themselves in whatever environment is given to them till few years back.

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Changing Mind-Set of older Persons Towards Legal Justice 
To identify the factors that push older persons to follow court cases and to understand the level of activeness/ role of older persons in struggle for legal justice, Agewell Foundation surveyed over 3000 older persons (in three age groups – 60-69 years, 70-79 years & 80+) of Delhi & NCR involved in various legal cases.

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Wisdom of Old Age
The study was carried out with the objective to assess the acceptance of older persons as source of wisdom in society and relevance of wisdom of old age in modern society. At the same time, it was also tried to identify /understand the factors responsible for reduced level of respect towards older persons

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Income & Expenditure Patterns of Older Persons

The study was carried out with the objective to assess the income & expenditure patterns of older persons and their role in present and future consumer markets in view of changed socio-economic and demographic scenario across the country. From the study it was also attempted to identify the market segments, that are most affected due to ever-increasing elderly population while assessing the consumer interests of older persons. The study was designed to look out for the possibilities of older persons’ involvement in consumer movements as influential consumers.

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Study on Isolation in Old Age

Study to identity the level of isolation and loneliness in Old Age, while going through the conditions older persons across the country are forced to live in. Responsible causes of isolation in old age and its consequences on the health of the elderly were also identified.

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Study on Status of Older Persons in Nuclear Families

Study carried out to determine the impact of emergence of nuclear families on older persons. Report shows that there is an increasing trend in formation of nuclear families of older persons, whereas family support system is most urgent need of the older persons in old age

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Study of Bedridden & Older Patients of Delhi & NCR 

A survey was conducted in Delhi & NCR to study and identify /understand the problems and status of Bedridden Patients living in Delhi & NCR. Study shows that though a person could be bedridden because of several reasons but the most common among them is old age and its related ailments.

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Study of Status of Older Persons in Minority Communities

Study focused on the problems/issues faced by older people in minority communities. The specific objectives of the Agewell minority study were to understand the status of elderly people within their community and family and to highlight the concerns of elderly in their community.

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Study of Role of Older persons in Democratic Process 

A nationwide survey to study and identify /understand the difference between myth and reality about the role of older persons in Democratic society. Study concludes that though older people represent both the ends of democracy (as voters and leaders) there is hardly any focus on them.

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Assessment of Impact of Economic Slowdown on older persons

The broad objective of the study was to assess the impact of economic slowdown on older persons of India during worldwide recession of 2008. It was also assessed whether they have taken actions in response to the changing economy. In view of limited / meager income of older persons, they were found as major sufferers of economic slowdown.

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Agewell Foundation has initiated a project to provide training to Police personnel and sensitize them towards older persons. Under the project Agewell Foundation will conduct training program for the Delhi Police.

- Sensitive Approach towards Older Persons by Delhi Police

- Compilation of Information on Older Persons in Delhi

- Increased registration of Older Persons living alone in Delhi

1st Training and Sensitization Program on 20th Feb. 2013

Download pdf of Perception towards Older Persons

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